Bai Ji guan 白鸡冠 2021
Harvest Date: 2021.May.15th
Location: Da Shui keng (Wu Yi Ban yan Garden )
Cultivar: Bai Ji Guan Cultivar
Roasting : Meidum roast
the first time roasting : 20th of July
the second time roasting : 16th of August
the third time roasting : 4th of September
Feature: Bai Ji Guan is one of the Four Famous ancient varieties. in Chinese, we call these Si Da Ming Cong (四大名枞 Four Famous Bushes of Wu Yi Cliff tea ). Because of its lower yield and late harvest time, only some farmers here still keep this Cultivar. Most of the Rock Tea drinkers, Bai Ji Guan is an interesting tea in name and look. The tasting is quite different from other Rock tea. Because of its thin texture of the leaves, the roasting level of Bai Ji Guan is always lightly roasting style, keeping its unique and floral character.
This Bai Ji Guan with very uniform leaves looking, very exquisite aroma, of 2021 harvest is very sweet and elegent in the taste .
very standard bai ji guan taste