2023 -4 Lapsang Souchong

2023 -4 Lapsang Souchong

Size 60g

Low Inventory

2023  4 kind of LapsangSouchong  with different flavors,all named Lapsang souchong ,but with different feature:

1: Wild Lapsang Souchong(野生小种) :  floral and  fruity 

2: Old bush LapsangSouchong(老枞小种) : Woody and Moss

3: Ma Su Old bush LapsangSouchong (麻粟老枞小种): Ma su is a village with the highest altitude in Tong mu guan  . The old bush there  has a very unique mountain flavor, which is bitter and sweet. The taste of this mountain field is unique ,it can't be found in other 11 villages of Tongmu guan .

4: Hundred Years Lapsang Souchong Smoked Style(烟熏百年老枞小种):

    Sweet longan taste and ,traditional smoking style  processing

 Through the comparison to understand  :

1:Compare  no so old bush to old bush tree

2:Comapre the difference between :  two both are old bush lapsangsouchong but from different villages in Tong mu guan .

3: Compare same garden some material ,but one is smoked ,one is unsmoked .

  No matter how you make this tea ,they are always excellet taste .Because quality is there , So use your familiar container, familiar temperature.

 All the tea is  from 2023 harvest  and the information of each product is available in the black tea area. This is an experience outfit, 4 kind of tea ,each kind with 3 bags ,each bag is 5g. A total of 60g